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partial solution中文是什么意思

用"partial solution"造句"partial solution"怎么读"partial solution" in a sentence


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  • Digital signature provides a partial solution
  • We started with the recognition that many labs have developed partial solutions to automation problems
  • As a partial solution , developers need to transmit only the changes to the files for the new web service
  • Reading is only a partial solution , for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep
  • " i believe that securitisation , together with credit guarantee , would offer a partial solution to the credit quality problem in asia
  • The solution programs can employ several methods , but the most common is backtracking , a systematic form of trial and error in which partial solutions are proposed and then modified slightly as soon as they are proved wrong
  • Assuming that the asian investors are not overly keen to lower their minimum credit rating requirement , i believe that securitisation , together with credit guarantee would offer a partial solution to the credit quality problem in asia
  • This paper exhausts fully adjustable factor which could amend the dynamic function in fuzzy control system , and that traditional algorithms select factors with intercession is easy to get a partial solution , so this paper presents a new method to select factors based on genetic algorithm . this method has a large range over covered the solutions which could benefit to search the best solutions . it has great character and advantage
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